Commission on Creating Healthy Cities – Call for Evidence

The Commission on Creating Healthy Cities has launched a Call for Evidence inviting contributions to the Commission.

Oxford Commission on Creating Healthy Cities

Call for Evidence

A Commission on Creating Healthy Cities has been launched by the University of Oxford’s Global Centre on Healthcare and Urbanisation.  The Centre is a partnership between Kellogg College and the Prince’s Foundation.  The Commission brings together thought leaders and practitioners, chaired by housing and urbanism expert Lord Best, who explains:

“Our Commission has brought together policy-makers, practitioners and academics across the disciplines of Health and Urbanism. We aim to bring together insights for city leaders and their citizens on meeting the challenges of creating healthy cities. Our Call for Evidence invites contributions on our core themes of Housing and the Built Environment; Transport and Mobility; Health and Wellbeing; with an overarching interest in Governance and Decision-making Processes.

“We look forward to receiving stimulating responses.”

Lord Best

The Commission has today issued a ‘Call for Evidence’, detailed at:

The Commission seeks to influence politicians, policy-makers and practitioners to make our urban areas more supportive of health and well-being.  This includes being resilient in the face of future pandemics, learning the lessons from our reaction to Covid-19.  But the Commission will also look more ambitiously at how to actively promote healthy living.  The Commission’s policy recommendations will focus on action for the UK, but is drawing on evidence from across the world.  In this it is being supported by an International Advisory Board, chaired by Lord Crisp.