Dr Patrícia Canelas and Dr Idalina Baptista write on the opportunity COVID-19 provides to rethink the neighbourhood as an appropriate scale for addressing urban quality of life problems.
Living in Harmony with Nature
Ben Bolgar writes on whether we can use the current pandemic as a catalyst to address the longer-term silent killer of climate change, while engendering healthier behaviour in the short term, then we will avoid a knee-jerk reaction, and future-proof our response for the next generation.
COVID-19: ‘Fever Hospitals’
Tom Jefferson and Carl Heneghan write on the fever hospitals of the 19th and 20th centuries.
Covid 19 Hospitals – Back to the Future
Tom Jefferson and Carl Heneghan write on how the Roman Legionary fortress at Inchtuthil near Perth in Scotland can give us clues as to how we could develop our hospital facilities in the future.
COVID 19 – Nova et Vetera: Lazaretts of Venice
Tom Jefferson and Carl Heneghan write on the practice of quarantine in the 14th century.
How Cities Need to Change, to Avoid Spreading Infections
Carl Heneghan and David Howard on how the role of a city and its environment can support or damage health.