GCHU Intern Hope Steadman, an MSc Nature, Society and Environmental Governance student at the University of Oxford, discusses the economic impact of GBI (green and blue infrastructure).
Spring School on Climate Citizens’ Assemblies
GCHU Research Associate, Dr Alison Chisholm describes her experience of participating in a conference bringing together practitioners, scholars and advocates of citizens’ assemblies and citizens’ juries from across Europe.
Better Housing
GCHU Co-Director Professor Carl Heneghan discusses the results of the recent ONS report on the impact of winter pressures in Great Britain.
Brownfield Redevelopment: The end of urban expansion?
GCHU Intern Alex Csaky, a BA Archaeology and Anthropology student at the University of Oxford, discusses the potential benefits of brownfield redevelopment in addressing the issues facing urban areas worldwide.
Key urban challenges and their unequal impact on health
GCHU Intern Anna Todsen, an MSc Evidence-Based Social Intervention and Policy Evaluation student at the University of Oxford, discusses key urban challenges for major cities and their impact on human health.
The ‘human’ cost – assessing the benefits of green and blue infrastructures for improved health and well-being
GCHU Intern and MSc Evidence-Based Health Care student Christine Waddell assesses the benefits of blue-green infrastructure on human and environmental health.
New Challenges on the Urban Periphery
Dr Juliet Carpenter, GCHU’s Director of Research, outlines the launch of a new AHRC-funded project in Paris.
COP27: Three Outcomes for Healthy Cities
Visiting Fellow Dr Katherine Maxwell summarises the key findings from COP27 discussions and explores what these mean for developing ‘Healthy Cities’ – urban areas that positively improve health and well-being of residents, whilst reducing carbon emissions and strengthening urban resilience.
Sustainable Urban Systems and Urban Futures: A New Urban Science?
GCHU Research Associate, Professor Timothy Dixon explores research themes and approaches to understanding the evolution and development of cities.
GCHU Blog: Cold homes and warm hearts
GCHU Co-Director Professor Carl Heneghan and Dr Tom Jefferson analyse the Health effects of indoor temperature on older people and children, and of the impact of household improvements in this latest GCHU blog.