Highlights and reflections from the first session of the #StreetVoice Citizens’ Jury.
GCHU Micro-internships on Healthy Cities
Three interns that joined the GCHU to contribute to the work of the Commission on Creating Healthy Cities and help develop pages of the Healthy Cities Toolkit, share their experiences of working at the centre.
Street Voice insights: Inviting Jurors
A small team at the University of Oxford is organising a Citizens’ Jury to help answer important questions about how people can travel where they need to in Oxford in a climate-friendly way that promotes health. In the first of…
The Hidden Cost of Construction
GCHU Intern and MEng Engineering student Eleanor Cosford analyses the effects of embodied energy usage in construction on the environmental impact of buildings.
Trends in urban sustainable experiments and the importance of post-occupancy testing
GCHU Intern and BA Geography student Juan Garcia Valencia reviews the current experiment trends in urban sustainability.
Achieving net zero household energy use
GCHU Intern and MPhys Physics student Lucy Main analyses the energy saving strategies to achieving net zero household energy use.
GCHU in conversation with ‘Healthy Cities and Communities’ at the World Economic Forum
Dr Juliet Carpenter (GCHU Research Fellow) writes on her recent meeting with the Healthy Cities and Communities team of the World Economic Forum.
Cycling’s Risky Business: An Update – 11 March, 2022
GCHU Co-Director, Professor Carl Heneghan writes on the urgency required in improving cycle infrastructure in Oxford.
Fuel poverty: UK’s growing challenge – affordable fuel for all?
GCHU Intern and BPhil Philosophy student Michael O’Connor analyses the various indicators of fuel poverty in the UK and the importance of addressing energy vulnerability.
Changes in travel? A review of research on transport during the COVID-19 pandemic
GCHU Intern and BA Economics and Management student Conrad Tuckey writes on the radical effect of COVID-19 on travel behaviour across the globe.