Research Projects

Commission on Creating Healthy Cities
The Commission will investigate the links between urban design and the risks to health and wellbeing, including infectious disease outbreaks, most immediately the Covid-19 crisis.

Street Voice - Citizens' Jury
A small team at the University of Oxford is organising a Citizens' Jury to help answer important questions about how people can travel where they need to in Oxford in a climate-friendly way that promotes health.

The GCHU participates in the University of Oxford's microinternship programme run by the Careers Service and offers multiple placements for each of the events (typically three or four in each academic year). If you are interested but would like to find out what a Micro-Intership involves, read the blogs written by our most recent interns.
GCHU Public Seminars
The Centre hosts a series of seminars – open to the public – throughout the year. These lively discussions bring together a panel of speakers to address contemporary, and often controversial, issues in healthcare and urbanisation.