Publications and Reports


Break, bridge or bolster? Participatory energy initiatives between frames and futures of local sustainability

Suitner, J., Haider, W., Krisch, A., Philipp, S., Fetting, C., Neuner, E., & Aigner, A. (2025). Break, bridge or bolster? Participatory energy initiatives between frames and futures of local sustainability. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 1–15.

Exploring transformative social innovations for a wellbeing economy: insights from citizens’ juries in Vienna and Oxford

Krisch, A., Carpenter, J., Chisholm, A., Suitner, J. (2025) Exploring transformative social innovations for a wellbeing economy: insights from citizens’ juries in Vienna and Oxford. Review of Regional Research,

Impact of Citizens' Assemblies on Social Cohesion and Climate Policy

Chisholm, A (2025) Report. February 2025. Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences and Global Centre on Healthcare and Urbanisation, University of Oxford.

Listening Exchanges: A Pilot Project

Carpenter, J., Chisholm, A., Grove, H., Krisch, A., Sutton, R. (2025) Report. January 2025. Global Centre on Healthcare and Urbanisation, University of Oxford.


Envisioning Community Wellbeing Through Participatory Arts-Based Methods

Krisch, A., Ford, N., Race, J., Weiner, N., Chan, A. (2024) Envisioning Community Wellbeing Through Participatory Arts-Based Methods. Report. Global Centre on Healthcare and Urbanisation, University of Oxford.

Exploring the Foundational Economy for a just transition

Bärnthaler, R., Getzner, M., Krisch, A., Plank, L., Strickner, A. (2024) Exploring the Foundational Economy for a just transition. Introduction to this issue by the guest editors. The Public Sector, 2(49), pp.7-8.

Inadequate Social Housing and Health: The Case of Oliver Bond House, The Liberties, Dublin

Manzo LKC and Grove H (2024) Inadequate Social Housing and Health: The Case of Oliver Bond House, The Liberties, Dublin [version 2; peer review: 4 approved]. Open Res Europe 2024, 3:211 (

Introducting the RSA Research Network on Eco-Social Policy and Practice for Innovation and Transformation (ESPPRIT)

Krisch A, Barning L, Ware S, Hamedinger A (2024) Introducting the RSA Research Network on Eco-Social Policy and Practice for Innovation and Transformation (ESPPRIT). Regions. Issue 19, Article 3.

Low traffic neighbourhoods as urban regeneration? The case of the UK

Carpenter, J., Howard, D. (2024). Low traffic neighbourhoods as urban regeneration? The case of the UK. In: Altrock, U., Kurth, D. (eds) Urban Regeneration in Europe. pp57-76, Jahrbuch Stadterneuerung. Springer VS, Cham.

Play Matters! Report: A research project in conjunction with Oxfordshire Play Association, January 2024.

Martin Gillett, Polly Kerr, Dr Juliet Carpenter, Professor Kate Wilmut, Dr Mina Samangooei

Socially innovative experiments for transformative local development: Putting more-than-growth-oriented local interventions in spatial context

Suitner, J., Haider, W., Krisch, A. (2024) 'Socially innovative experiments for transformative local development: Putting more-than-growth-oriented local interventions in spatial context', Regional Science Policy & Practice, 100035,

The power to transform structures: power complexes and the challenges for realising a wellbeing economy

Bärnthaler R, Novy A, Arzberger L, Krisch A, Volmary H (2024) The power to transform structures: power complexes and the challenges for realising a wellbeing economy. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 11(1): 1–16.


Assessing housing exposures and interventions that impact healthy cities: a systematic overview of reviews

Richards, G., Carpenter, J., Okpalugo, E., Howard, D., Heneghan, C. (2023) Assessing housing exposures and interventions that impact healthy cities: a systematic overview of reviews. Perspectives in Public Health, 0(0).

Barriers and interventions for healthy and climate-friendly living for vulnerable groups

C Lampl, E Aigner, A E Schmidt, A Krisch, Barriers and interventions for healthy and climate-friendly living for vulnerable groups, European Journal of Public Health, Volume 33, Issue Supplement 2, October 2023, ckad160.842,

Barriers for vulnerable groups in implementing healthy and climate-friendly practices. Status quo and necessary structural changes

Lampl, C., Krisch, A., Aigner, E., Schmidt, A.E. (2023): Hürden für vulnerable Gruppen bei der Umsetzung gesunder und klimafreundlicher Praktiken. Status Quo und notwendige Strukturveränderungen. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

COP27: Three Outcomes for Healthy Cities (2023)

Dr Katherine Maxwell, GCHU Research Associate and Kellogg College Visiting Fellow

Deliberative Democracy Workshop - Summary and Key Findings

A GCHU Report co-published with the Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences.

Kapitel 22. Netzgebundene Infrastrukturen

Kubeczko, K., Krisch, A. (2023). Kapitel 22. Netzgebundene Infrastrukturen. In: Görg, C., et al. APCC Special Report: Strukturen für ein klimafreundliches Leben. Springer Spektrum, Berlin, Heidelberg.

National Climate Resilience Health Check for Communities and Regions. Technical report.

Horváth, I., Delcour, J., Krisch, A., Schmidt, A.E. (2023): Nationaler Klimaresilienz‐Check Gesundheit für Gemeinden und Regionen. Grundlagenbericht. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Navigating context in experiments: The “real,” the roots, the rationale

Suitner, J. & Krisch, A. (2023) Navigating context in experiments: The “real”, the roots, the rationale. European Urban and Regional Studies, Online First,

Street Voice: Can Citizens' Juries help tackle urban sustainability challenges?

Chisholm, A., Carpenter, J., Pope C., Howard, D., Weavers-Medina, J. (2023) 'Street Voice: Can Citizens' Juries help tackle urban sustainability challenges?', Science Talks, pre-print,

Technincal SummaryAPCC SR Structures for Climate-Friendly Living

Aigner, E., Görg, C., Madner, V., Novy, A., Steininger, K., Muhar, A., Posch, A., Krisch, A. (2023): Technical Summary. In: Görg, C., et al. APCC Special Report: Strukturen für ein klimafreundliches Leben. Springer Spektrum, Berlin, Heidelberg.

The potential for public participation in planning healthy urban mobility: the case of Oxford, United Kingdom

Spencer, B., Jones, T., Carpenter, J., Brownill, S. (2023) ‘The potential for public participation in planning healthy urban mobility: the case of Oxford, United Kingdom’ in Hansson, L., Rye, T., Hedegaard Sørensen, C. (Eds). Public Participation in Transport in Times of Change. Emerald, Bingley, UK

Urban Planetary Health: A Scoping Review (2023)

A GCHU Report written by GCHU summer intern and Student Research Associate Anna Williams with support from Dr Astrid Krisch.

Urban Policies in the Framework of the 2030 Agenda: The Case of Bristol, England

Carpenter, J., Valler, D. (2023). Urban Policies in the Framework of the 2030 Agenda: The Case of Bristol, England. In: Huete García, M.Á., Rodríguez Miranda, A., Ugalde, V., Merinero Rodríguez, R. (eds) Urban Policy in the Framework of the 2030 Agenda. The Urban Book Series. Springer, Cham.


Building Towards Net Zero Carbon Homes (2022)

A GCHU report co-published with The Prince's Foundation.

Co-Creation: A Method to Build Agonistic Places and Inclusive Cities

Horvath C. and Carpenter J. (2022) "Co-Creation: A Method to Build Agonistic Places and Inclusive Cities", in Valverde Viesca K and Pacheco Gordillo D (eds), Ciudades Cohesionadas: Co-crear agendas urbanas incluyentes. Propuestas críticas desde la comunidad. Mexico : UNAM/ SECTEI/ Unión Europea/ Editoral de Lirio"

Developing future leaders in evidence-based medicine: the inaugural David Sackett Fellowship

Gill P.J., O'Neil B., Richards G.C. (2022) BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine

Executive Outlook on the Future of Work, 2030 | Oxford-Protiviti Survey: Key Findings (2022)

Vlad Mykhnenko (GCHU Board), David Howard, Nigel Mehdi (GCHU Board)

Exploring lessons from Covid-19 for the role of the voluntary sector in integrated care systems

Carpenter, J., Spencer, B., Moreira da Souza, T., Cho, Y. and Brett, J., (2022) Exploring lessons from Covid‐19 for the role of the voluntary sector in integrated care systems. Health & Social Care in the Community, 30(6).

Picture This: Exploring Photovoice as a Method to Understand Lived Experiences in Marginal Neighbourhoods

Carpenter, J. (2022) “Picture This: Exploring Photovoice as a Method to Understand Lived Experiences in Marginal Neighbourhoods”, Urban Planning, 7(3), pp.351-362

Co-Creation and the City: Arts-Based Methods and Participatory Approaches in Urban Planning

Carpenter, J. and Horvath, C., (2022) Co-Creation and the City: Arts-Based Methods and Participatory Approaches in Urban Planning. Urban Planning, 7(3), pp.311-314.

Preventable deaths from SARS-CoV-2 in England and Wales: a systematic analysis of coroners’ case reports from the COVID-19 pandemic

Swift B. (GCHU Intern), Heneghan C., Aronson J.K., Howard D.J., Richards G.C. (2022) BMJ Evidence Based Medicine

Street Voice Citizens' Jury - Initial report (2022)

A GCHU report co-published with Primary Care Health Sciences presented at the Oxfordshire County Council cabinet meeting in July 2022.

Street Voice Citizens' Jury - Report for Overview and Scrutiny Commmitee (2022)

A GCHU report co-published with Primary Care Health Sciences presented at Oxfordshire County Council’s ‘Performance & Corporate Services’ Overview & Scrutiny Committee meeting on 30th September 2022.

What creates healthy cities? (2022)

A GCHU report co-published with The Prince's Foundation following the conclusion of the Commission on Creating Healthy Cities.

Why Play is Important in Oxfordshire (2022)

A report co-published in June 2022 between Oxfordshire Play Association, the University of Oxford and Oxford Brookes University.


Co-Creation as an agonistic practice in the favela of Santa Marta, Rio de Janeiro

Carpenter J., Horvath C. and Spencer B. (2021) Co-Creation as an agonistic practice in the favela of Santa Marta, Rio de Janeiro, Urban Studies, 58(9) pp.1906–1923.

Executive Outlook on Cities and Strategy, 2030 | Oxford-Protiviti Survey: Key Findings (2021)

Vlad Mykhnenko (GCHU Board), David Howard, Nigel Mehdi (GCHU Board)

Harnessing medicines data at low cost to deliver better and safer care

Hollingworth S.A., Richards G.C., MacKenna B., Goldacre B., (2021) Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety

A Modern Guide to National Urban Policies in Europe

Fedeli V, Carpenter J, and Zimmermann K (2021) ‘National Urban Policies in Europe: Does the EU make the difference?’, in Zimmermann and Fedeli (eds) “A Modern Guide to National Urban Policies” pp 306 - 319, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar

Preventable deaths in Cambridge and Cambridgeshire (2021)

Jessica De La Haye (GCHU Intern), Georgia C. Richards

Preventable deaths in Oxford and Oxfordshire (2021)

Joshua P. Loo (GCHU Intern), Georgia C. Richards

Preventable deaths involving cyclists in England and Wales: Solutions to improve their safety (2021)

Louis Odgers (GCHU Intern), Jeffrey K. Aronson, Georgia C. Richards


Health and well-being: planning for climate change and rapid urbanisation (2020)

Dr David Howard in Oborn, P. and J. Walters (eds) Survey of the Built Environment Professions in the Commonwealth. London: Commonwealth Association of Architects, the Commonwealth Association of Planners, the Commonwealth Association of Surveying and Land Economy and the Commonwealth Engineers Council.

Towards the ‘just city’? Exploring the attitudes of European city mayors

Dlabac O., Zwicky R., Carpenter J., Pereira P. (2020) Towards the ‘Just City’? Exploring the attitudes of European city mayors, Urban Research and Practice, 15(2), pp.1-24

“Urban interventionism” in welfare and planning: National typologies and “local cultures” in Europe

Carpenter J., Pereira P., Dlabac O., Zwicky R. (2020) ”Urban interventionism” in welfare and planning: National typologies and “local cultures” in Europe, Journal of Urban Affairs, 44(7), pp. 1-21.

Variegated Europeanization and urban policy: Dynamics of policy transfer in France, Italy, Spain and the UK

Carpenter J., González Medina M., Huete García M., and De Gregorio Hurtado S. (2020) Variegated Europeanization and urban policy: Dynamics of policy transfer in France, Italy, Spain and the UK, European Urban and Regional Studies, 27(3) 227–245


Climate Change and Healthcare Sustainability in the Agincourt Sub-District, Kruger to Canyons Biosphere Region, South Africa

Dos Santos, M., Howard, D., Kruger, P., Banos, A. and Kornik, S. (2019) Climate Change and Healthcare Sustainability in the Agincourt Sub-District, Kruger to Canyons Biosphere Region, South Africa. Sustainability. 11(2), p.496.

New agendas and ‘good’ urbanism? Shelter and tenure transition in a low-income Jamaican neighbourhood

Howard, D. (2019) Shelter, security and tenure: formalising downtown Kingston, Jamaica. International Development Planning Review 41(4), pp.435-450.

Transforming Narratives of a Caribbean Downtown Neighborhood: Community Mapping and “No Man’s Land” in Kingston, Jamaica

Howard, D. (2019) Transforming narratives of a Caribbean downtown: community mapping and ‘No Man’s Land’. In Stanley, B. and R. Kehrein (eds) Handbook of the Changing World Language Map New York: Springer.

Vancouver - Critical reflections on the development experience of a peripheral global city

Carpenter J., Hutton T., (2019) 'Vancouver - Critical reflections on the development experience of a peripheral global city', Cities, 86, pp.1-10