GCHU Research Associate Dr Alison Chisholm shares insight into Oxfordshire citizens’ assembly on transport and travel.
Spring School on Climate Citizens’ Assemblies
GCHU Research Associate, Dr Alison Chisholm describes her experience of participating in a conference bringing together practitioners, scholars and advocates of citizens’ assemblies and citizens’ juries from across Europe.
#StreetVoice Citizens’ Jury – OCC Scrutiny meeting
An update on project progress as the report for the Street Voice Citizens’ Jury is due to be discussed at Oxfordshire County Council’s ‘Performance & Corporate Services’ Overview & Scrutiny Committee meeting on 30th September 2022.
#StreetVoice Citizens’ Jury – OCC Cabinet meeting
An update on project progress after the initial report for the Street Voice Citizens’ Jury was discussed at Oxfordshire County Council’s Cabinet meeting on 19th July 2022.
#StreetVoice Citizens’ Jury – Final session
The doors have closed on the final Street Voice Citizens’ Jury, and the Street Voice team are now hard at work, bringing together four days of fascinating discussions and deliberations into a Report for Oxfordshire County Council. The final session…
#StreetVoice Citizens’ Jury – Second and third sessions
Highlights and reflections from the second and third sessions of the #StreetVoice Citizens’ Jury.
#StreetVoice Citizens’ Jury – First session
Highlights and reflections from the first session of the #StreetVoice Citizens’ Jury.